MXF Support - especially external references (OP1b/OP1a)

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MXF Support - especially external references (OP1b/OP1a)

Postby mkrjf » 18 Mar 2011 16:13

VLC lists support for MXF but the reality seems to be partial support for the simplest form of MXF.

I am willing to contribute, and I have seen other similar queries here and in ffmpeg forums.
Can anyone use VLC to play real world MXF with external 'file packages' such as video and multi-channel audio?
There is a contribute simple project page for VLC, but this area does not seem to be covered there.

Is using klvlib a way to get there? and if so can anyone provide more details on adding a plugin to VLC? Matt B. instructions are too concise. Can it be done without rebuilding VLC? I don't see some of the files / directories mentioned in the klvlib README.

libMXF is already leveraged by VLC? Should extensions be made to stand alone libMXF and then incorporated to VLC?

Related to this would be adding a codec (or getting VLC / ffmpeg to recognize a codec). Even for the simplest mxf (internal essence), PCM does not get recognized as valid audio. Not to mention JPEG2000, etc.

Thanks if anyone is listening or eager to see adoption spread ;)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: MXF Support - especially external references (OP1b/OP1a)

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 Mar 2011 16:24

Now, VLC cannot play external files with MXF.
klvlib could be allowed.
Adding a plugin is documented on the wiki, 'hacker guide'

libMXF is not used by VLC now.

I hope I can help more.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: MXF Support - especially external references (OP1b/OP1a)

Postby whitemax » 10 Dec 2014 06:23

Now mxf can be supported by VLC now, the version I used is2.1.3. Totally without any problem. I must say this media player is the best I used now. :)

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