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Hotkeys for audio/video synchronisation?

Posted: 17 Mar 2011 16:06
by Prince_Van
Hi dudes,

I've got lots of *.mp4-movies. The problem is that the "asynchronity" changes during the movies - first there is no delay, after a minute or two it's 1 second delay, another minute later it's 2 seconds, another minute later 3 seconds, and so on... the audio lines are just broken.

Now it's really exhausting to adjust the lines manually again and again... so I am wondering:

Is there any possibility (like a hotkey) to adjust the video/audio lines directly while the movie is played? Something like... "Oh, 1 second delay again... click, click, GOOD"???

Hope you understand what I mean, as my English is not so good.

thank you very much


Re: Hotkeys for audio/video synchronisation?

Posted: 17 Mar 2011 16:17
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Yes. Please check the preferences for the list of hotkeys

Re: Hotkeys for audio/video synchronisation?

Posted: 17 Mar 2011 16:56
by Prince_Van
awesome, it's k and j - thank you very much!