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Optimal settings for playing .mod (and other modules)?

Posted: 07 Mar 2011 03:12
by Kanonskall

I'm trying to get vlc to play modules with the best possible sound quality. Sometimes i hear scratches and squeeks during playback. Is there someway i can remedy that, preferably with command line argument(s)? :-|

Re: Optimal settings for playing .mod (and other modules)?

Posted: 07 Mar 2011 18:37
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Force the audio rate to something that your audio card likes, e.g. 'vlc --aout-rate 48000'. Also make sure there is no higher priority process clogging the CPU.

Re: Optimal settings for playing .mod (and other modules)?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 04:31
by Kanonskall
Thanks for the tip, but i'm wondering if it was not because i had the wrong mux (i was streaming to icecast using mp3 and had the mux set to ogg), because it seems to be ok now. Could that be the cause? I got music the first time, but like i said it was squeeky :) Now it's ok it seems.