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Streaming video with KLV metadata

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 07:13
by Waf
Hello everyone,

I have a quick question I can't seem to find an answer for:
If I use VLC to stream a MPEG2 (MPEG2-packaged and MPEG2-compressed to be precise) video that contains KLV metata (along with a classic video essence) shouldn't VLC stream the metadata along with the rest?
I would have thought that the option "steam all elementary streams" was intended for that purpose but although I have it enabled I don't see the KLV coming at the other end of the stream.

Does VLC singles out the metadata before streaming?

In advance, thanks you.

PS: Im using the latest (1.1.7) version

Re: Streaming video with KLV metadata

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 22:06
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
--sout-all is about not selecting a single audio and subtitle track. VLC cannot stream unknown elementary streams in any case.

Re: Streaming video with KLV metadata

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 10:29
by Waf
Thank you thank you thank you my good sir!
I was so desperate to make sure the problem was on the VLC side (and not my due-on-monday-defence-project).
Thank you again