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Occasionally no picture

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 19:04
by Pradakatsen

I have a problem with my VLC, some time ago it stopped showing movies, the sound is still working though. (I tried with movies which worked b4)
I googled for solutions and reinstalled VLC, but didnt help. But after about a month it suddenly worked again (also with the same movies again), but only for a good week, now it seems to be broken again, and again I didnt change a thing.

Ah, if I try to take a snapshot it still works though, meaning that the snapshot I see the scene from the movie.

Anybody knows what I can do?


Re: Occasionally no picture

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 19:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Reset preferences.

Re: Occasionally no picture

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 19:34
by Pradakatsen
Tried reset just now, still the same thing.

I run vista SP2 and got the latest VLC version, just as side info.
The movie I want to play right now is mp4, but as I said, its not playing any other format either (at least none I have on my pc atm)


Re: Occasionally no picture

Posted: 26 Feb 2011 21:22
by J-Bear
Have you ensured your video track is set to Track 1 or whatever the video stream may be...? I'm having issues myself that MP4 files do not default set Video Track 1 so I have sound but no video until I manually select this track.