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Bonkers Trojan

Posted: 18 Feb 2011 20:23
by loafer
Hi there,

I recently found VLC Player and have been well chuffed with it - my problem is I have now had a trojan infection twice. I downloaded a video from You Tube and when I played it AVG called the following;

Malware alert: Videolan\VLC\VLC.exe


When I prompted AVG to deal with it VLC would not run any more, I presume it deleted the exe file. The second time I got rid of it with Malwarebytes.

I cleaned out VLC and reinstalled it but it happened again. Sorry if this has been already covered, I tried a search here without success for this. Does anyone have an idea where this thing is coming from?

Many Thanks. :(

Re: Bonkers Trojan

Posted: 19 Feb 2011 09:41
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
It can be:
- you are installing a pirated version of VLC with anh actual trojan inside it,
- your antivirus is crap and incorrectly flags VLC.
Both issues are known to happen, and there is nothing the VideoLAN project can do about.

Re: Bonkers Trojan

Posted: 19 Feb 2011 10:23
by loafer
Thanks for the reply - I use paid for AVG9 which I hope isn't crap, but I may have downloaded it from the wrong place. I'll reinstall from the official site.

Re: Bonkers Trojan

Posted: 19 Feb 2011 14:43
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
We have had cases of commercial anti-virii software incorrectly flagging VLC as a virus. I cannot say whether this is your specific problem though.