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Playlist saving issue - .xpsf instead of .xspf

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 12:58
by explode

I have been using VLC 1.1.5 version, and have just updated to the newest 1.1.7.
I'm encountering a bug with playlist saving.
Selecting native VLC format, the playlist is being saved with a spelling error .xpsf instead of .xspf.
File extension needs to be renamed manually in order to be later recignizied by VLC.
I've read about same bug in some of the previous versions, but it seems like it came back.

Unfortunately, the bug returned with a previous update to 1.1.5 version (I do not remember which version I've had before, but it was ok with playlist saving), I hoped the newest update would solve the problem, but it is still present.

No one else has reported this problem, maybe there is something wrong within my current update?
Thank you for your help

PS. What is more, before updating to 1.1.7 I've been trying to find a changelog, I've browsed roughly through the main project website, wiki documentation and this forum, but I haven't came across anything within a reasonable time (besides this: ).
Highlighting a changelog list/link on a main site would be of a great advantage, helping to decide wheter to update or not.

Re: Playlist saving issue - .xpsf instead of .xspf

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 17:19
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
As far as I can tell, that bug affects the Polish localization only. Other languages should be fine.

Re: Playlist saving issue - .xpsf instead of .xspf

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 18:14
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
And this will be fixed in 1.1.8

Re: Playlist saving issue - .xpsf instead of .xspf

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 21:54
by explode
Yes, I'm certainly using polish language version.
Simply changing to english does solve the problem.
Thanks for your helpful remark!