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VLC not sound with an Osprey card

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 11:33
by firewoman
i`m trying to capture video and audio with an osprey 210. The video is good, but the sound hava a lot of break, muy OS is Knoppix 3.7 and muy kernel is 2.6.9.
I think that the problem is the Osprey or v4l,
i don`t know.
Please help me!!


Posted: 01 Apr 2005 00:48
by markfm
I use the 210 under Windows, sound is fine, no breaks.

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 10:18
by firewoman
How can you hear sound in windows?
i have sound with osprey`s programs, but i haven`t sound with vlc.

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 13:37
by markfm
I use the Osprey for dubbing from tape (VHS), with VLC.

I just connect the VCR L/R output jacks to the Osprey input jacks. Then, in VLC, I do a Refresh next to Audio device, select "Osprey-210 Audio Device 1".
I do use the latest drivers from Viewcast, for Windows XP. If you have Win2K you can also use the WinXP drivers, but look at the Readme that comes with them -- there's a note about a Registry setting that you must manually enter to get sound on Win2K with the XP drivers.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005 16:19
by firewoman
thank you very much. I will prove this.

Posted: 03 Apr 2005 16:19
by firewoman
thank you very much. I will prove this.

Posted: 04 Apr 2005 10:45
by firewoman
I have had a problem during the instalation of Osprey,
I have intalled drivers for windows xp, and I have added a new key in the registry, i have created a new key with a valor 1, but I don´t if this is ok.
so, finally, osprey audio hasn´t installed on my computer,
can you help me?
