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VLC icon overwrites Photshop Elements icons in Panther

Posted: 27 Nov 2003 10:10
by todd
Was just doing some quick photo edits and noticed that any of my newly saved Photoshop picture icons (when viewing using "List view" in Mac OS 10.3.1) have changed from the Adobe Sunflower to the VLC traffic cone! Anyone know what's up with that?

In the "get info" window for the document it stills shows that the doc was created using Adobe PE but the icon in the upper left corner has been replaced by a fuzzy unidentifiable object.

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Posted: 24 Mar 2004 06:53
by asan102
Check the file extension. (if you don't see one, you'll have to look under Name in Get Info) many file extensions are used by multiple formats due to lax standards on these things, so it's likely that the image type uses a file extension that is the same as a video type VLC recognises. If you choose Photoshop to open the file again and then click Change All... it should fix it.