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Multiple independent VLC configurations?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 15:45
by Lupin III.
Is it somehow possible to have multiple completely independent configurations? I would like to configure one of them to be a small audio player (to finally replace Winamp), and the other configuration would be the "all purpose" player. The "audio player" should always look/behave the same no matter what I do to the other configurations. I managed to get something like this by using the --config command line option, so e. g. volume is stored seperately for every config. But preferences like "docked playlist" still affect all instances.

Re: Multiple independent VLC configurations?

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 19:47
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Indeed, some interface prefs are shared.
The only easy way is to change the %appdata%/vlc files.