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Command line: play newer file in a folder, shuffled

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 14:41
by Zane
Hi all,
I'm looking for command line parameters to play only those files of a folder that were created in the last 90 days. Is that possible directly or should I script it?


Re: Command line: play newer file in a folder, shuffled

Posted: 28 Sep 2010 10:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should script it.

Re: Command line: play newer file in a folder, shuffled

Posted: 28 Sep 2010 13:01
by Zane
Thanks j-b. Autohotkey did the trick.

Here it's the code, if someone will ever need to do the same:

Code: Select all

DataLimite=%A_Now% EnvAdd, DataLimite, -90, days Loop, D:\Music\*, 0, 1 { if (A_LoopFileTimeCreated>DataLimite and (A_LoopFileExt="mp3" or A_LoopFileExt="wma")) { ElencoInMemoria=%ElencoInMemoria%`r`n%A_LoopFileLongPath% } } if(ElencoInMemoria=="") { ElencoInMemoria=D:\Music\DefaultSong.mp3 } FileDelete, D:\Programs\VLC media player\latest.m3u FileAppend, %ElencoInMemoria%, D:\Programs\VLC media player\latest.m3u Run, "D:\Programs\VLC media player\vlc.exe" --volume=256 --random "D:\Programs\VLC media player\latest.m3u"