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Fake album art downloaded?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:27
by sandy_beaches

This image appears on up to VLC 1.1.4 and prior versions when playing a pre-recorded MP3 without it's own embedded album art:

The MP3 is created with MP3 Skype Recorder, although used Pamela before, and that doesn't seem to make a difference.

MP3Tag v2.46a and prior have been used to custom-set every field.
The only connection-point I can find is the use of the word 'conference' in the album art and the TITLE field of the MP3.


(Seems like some ADL/SPLC communist propaganda, IMO. :mrgreen: )

Re: Fake album art downloaded?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 10:13
by ivoire
When a file does not have an embeded album art, VLC will (only if you ask for it) try to find an album art using the already known informations lie title, author, ...

Re: Fake album art downloaded?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 17:20
by sandy_beaches
Want to know what is being matched..

Can only theorize it's the word 'conference' in the TITLE; that doesn't seem like a good match, not even close.

Re: Fake album art downloaded?

Posted: 03 Sep 2010 11:14
by ivoire
That's really difficult to match something so vague. so AFAIK the last method used is to take the first google image answer. Sometime that's not a good match like here. Maybe we can try to improve the matching algorithm or just do no try to grab anything with so few information.