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command line lastfm not working

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 10:09
by wxl
though I run VLC on a Mac I'm trying to mske use out of the command line, I.e. UNIX, therefore I'm throwing this in general.

so my problem is I am using the --lastfm-options and not getting any scrobbles. Is the explicit URL definition my problem, is this a bug, or what?

Re: command line lastfm not working

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 11:16
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Are you sure the lastfm interface is running?

Re: command line lastfm not working

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 17:13
by wxl
if I read you correctly VLC does not directly access the API but instead routes submissions through the "official application?" never could find instructions anywhere so that would explain why. Seems odd though as I know of other apps (Vox for Mac) that work in a standaone fashion.

Re: command line lastfm not working

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 17:27
by wxl
doesn't matter: it didn't work. BTW OS X 10.5.8 (PPC), VLC 10.0.5,