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Updating Playlist during streaming

Posted: 10 Aug 2010 23:12
by wetho

Is it possible to change/update the Playlist during streaming from one to another client?

I tried it it before without success.
I add a Playlist to stream and it works.
Now I open the Playlist in VLC (duriong streamig) and I can see all the songs. After that I put a new mp3 into that Playlist while streaming.
But VLC is not able to stream this mp3. I hear this mp3 only on my local. After this mp3 my playlist continues and the stream to the other pc is working again...Only the added mp3 in the Plalistwindowsis not able to stream....

I know that VLC is only able to stream xspf playlist...m3u ist not streaming, isn´t it?

Have you ever heard about this problem?
I´m using VLC 1.1.2 on Windows 7 and Windows XP.

Sorry, my english is not so good and I hope that you can understand me and my problem.

Many thanks for your support,

Re: Updating Playlist during streaming

Posted: 11 Aug 2010 17:24
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
That's not possible. VLC has no way to know that a remote file is changed anyway.