Using HTTP interface - 404 Error
Posted: 30 Jul 2010 18:29
I set up the HTTP Interface
terminal -> vlc (an X window pops up) > tools > preferences > all > interfaces (check HTTP) > HTTP > type :2020 in the first box so it binds to port 2020
changed .hosts (uncommented every LAN line)
loaded up that computer @ port 2020 and I get a 404 error where the body is just
404 Not found (/)
Any help? :\
terminal -> vlc (an X window pops up) > tools > preferences > all > interfaces (check HTTP) > HTTP > type :2020 in the first box so it binds to port 2020
changed .hosts (uncommented every LAN line)
loaded up that computer @ port 2020 and I get a 404 error where the body is just
404 Not found (/)
Any help? :\