HD video plays BUT NO AuDIO?

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HD video plays BUT NO AuDIO?

Postby girliepie » 24 Jul 2010 05:28

Hello I have encountered a strange problem. I just got a new camera and have been playing with it. I can play all of my video normally with window media player (although it doesn't look as good as the vlc player). when I try to play my HD video with the vlc player I can see the video but can't make the audio work. The same videos play just fine in WMP. And if I play lower quality videos with the vlc that aren't HD the sound works!?!?! So I am very confused at first I thought it was my camera or maybe I had my finger over the mic, but that is not the case.They are .avi files if that helps. I'm not super tech savvy and any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

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Re: HD video plays BUT NO AuDIO?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Jul 2010 16:43

Can you share a small sample to reproduce the issue?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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