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Online Radio Station Info Not Being Displayed in VLC 1.1.1

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 16:39
by crystal-quest
In VLC 1.0.5, when listening to online radio (example link below), info for the current song playing would be shown (in the VLC Media Player window when in focus, and when hidden to the systray, in the form of a balloon popup). However, the info is no longer being displayed after upgrading to VLC 1.1.1. I can't seem to find anywhere to re-enable it, therefore, I would like to classify it as a bug.

(To Open: Copy everything (including the spaces in the &description fields) in the line below, then open VLC's Media menu --> Open Location from clipboard): Breeze (Smooth Jazz)

As I like to support the artists, it would be great to know what is currently playing again!

I am using Windows XP SP3.

Let me know if you want me to post some images, if you don't yet know what I mean.

Keep up the good work!

Re: Online Radio Station Info Not Being Displayed in VLC 1.1

Posted: 24 Jul 2010 16:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What happens exactly , the old text is still in place?

Re: Online Radio Station Info Not Being Displayed in VLC 1.1

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 14:29
by crystal-quest
As you can see from this first screenshot (of v1.0.5), within the red rectangle, the current song title and artist are shown:


However, with the same radio station playing in v1.1.1, the song title and artist are not shown:


Is there are way to correct this, or is it a bug in VLC? The radio station loads differently on both versions too. To try them side by side, you can use a version of VLC, so you don't have to do any uninstalling.

Re: Online Radio Station Info Not Being Displayed in VLC 1.1

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 00:45
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Probably a VLC bug... File it on trac.

Re: Online Radio Station Info Not Being Displayed in VLC 1.1

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 23:13
by beaster
has this been filed as a bug?if yes any news here?

I experience the same problem is still existing in current VLC 1.1.10 version.