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Is there a way to make Direct3D desktop mode on 1 monitor?

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 12:36
by mystvearn

I noticed that in Direct3D desktop mode, the video will be played on the background which is a cool feature. I have a double monitor setup but with two different resolutions. My primary monitor on the right is a 1920x1080 22 inch, in landscape mode. The second monitor on the left is a 19 inch 1024x1280 monitor in Portrait mode.

When I make Direct3D desktop in full view, the picture blows up but since the 19" on the left has more pixels vertically 1280 vs 1080, some of the video is cropped on the right side. I could not find any feature making the video crop to the smallest monitor size. Another weird thing is that when I do make view video scale non-full screen the video goes to the 19" monitor. There is no way for me to move the video screen to go to the 22" portrait monitor.

I am using win7, and so far the only way I found out is by changing my primary displays, but then I will have to move my screens as well which is very annoying and does not really slove the problem of full screen view in one monitor. I think this is a universal problem not limited to windows machine.

Any ideas?

Re: Is there a way to make Direct3D desktop mode on 1 monito

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 17:25
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I am afraid you need to fix the code yourself :D

Re: Is there a way to make Direct3D desktop mode on 1 monito

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 17:39
by mystvearn
LOL. I'll wait for version 3.0 then :P