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Has anybody got the Pocket PC version to work?

Posted: 07 Mar 2005 02:49
by Guest
Tried it on my Dell Axim X-Scale PPC but I only got the program to start once. I got everything setup to stream from my desktop then tried to opened the program again but it would not open this time or any time after it. I tried soft rest the PPC, removing files and reinstalling files, tried older builds but still no luck.

Has anybody got it to work yet? :roll:


Posted: 07 Mar 2005 15:46
by xj
I have iPAQ 4150 and have the same experience. I saw it just once then ta dy da ... :)

Posted: 08 Mar 2005 19:11
by guest12
Mever ever seen the UI... just not seem to start

Posted: 08 Mar 2005 19:19
by Gibalou
Try to delete the "vlc" folder in "Application Data". This is were the config files are stored and it may be that they are corrupted.

I'd also advise to use the latest build as a few crashes were fixed recently in the interface (vlc was crashing on start because of this).

And also bear in mind that the PocketPC port still has a long way to go performance wise as well as on improving the interface. But bug reports are always welcome :)

Posted: 08 Mar 2005 23:23
by guest12
Well, gave it another try with the latest build..
Still same thing, nothing happens, no flashing screen, no UI and no error messages. It looks like it doesn't load, however when I went to mydevice I found a vlc-log file that was well..... 0B
Emtpy so to speak :) But yeah, not really helpfull with figuring out why it doesn't run.
Oh btw, I checked for the vlc folder but it's not there under application data.
FYI (maybe usefull) Using an Ipaq rx3715