I did not have any problems playing a DVD until now. Heretofore I selected Media -> Open Disc. It would display the DIsk Drive in the "Disk Device". I would select "Play" and in a few seconds it would start.
Now, nothing happens when I do this. I waited for over a minute and nothing happens. I removed the DVD, put it back in and tried Media->Open Disc again. Now I get a message that the player crashed and do I wish to send a report. I say 'no', verify the settigs and wait. After over a minute the DVD starts to play.
I have tried this with two DVDs and both times VLC has the same problem. I also removed the DVD after it had played the full DVD, then selected Media->Open Disc again just to see what happens after the DVD was played. Once again I get the player crashed message.
So something is wrong that: (1) nothing happens initially (2) I get the crashed message and (3) after the crashed message it takes over a minute, instead of a few seconds, to start playing the DVD.
VLC Release 1.0.5; Windows XP SP3