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Scripting VLC on mac OSX????

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 10:43
by dazed&confused
Hi, I am trying to save two streams simultaneously to disk (do not need to see the streams, just record them). I have managed to do this by having two sessions of VLC running (one named VLC copy). I want to script these however so that I can run a script that will open the stream and begin recording for both streams. In the applescript dictionary there seems to only be a OPENURL command, with which I can only get VLC to display the stream on screen. Is there any way to script it to open a stream with the advanced settings?? Is there any other way that I can automate this process if it is not possible via applescript? It would be a shame if this couldnt be automated.
I am running VLC 0.7.0 on mac OS 10.3.2 on a powerbook 867Mhz
Many thanks

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 15:09
by Murray
Some work is being done at present time to give access to all the core VLC functions via a Python interface, but I can't tell you if it works or not (haven't tested yet and I would have prefered Perl, actually </troll>).

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 15:52
by The DJ
well you could of course just fix the options in the preferences. that's what they are there fore.
You can even use multiple configuration files, by using the command line etc.

--config option allows you to specify which configuration file VLC should use.

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 16:05
by Guest
Thanks, I had a brief look at the preference pane and hoped that I could use this somehow to fix the advanced options....I couldnt work out what I was doing though. I guess its back to the manual!

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 16:34
by dazed&confused
Ok...I know I am being dumb on this one, but how do I use command line? this is on osx, I know how to open terminal but the manual states I need to be in the directory where VLC is...fine I can do that, seems to be called but I havent a clue how to run it??! Thought you normally just type the name? Manual only mentions something about ./ but I am not having much luck.

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 18:22
by zorglub
Go to


Then,run ./VLC [command line arguments here]

Posted: 15 Jan 2004 18:43
by dazed&confused step closer! many thanks!