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Common video codecs do not work

Posted: 12 May 2010 20:34
by foreeye

Code: Select all

VLC media player 0.8.6h Janus [00000296] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `wma2'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [00000337] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `WMV3'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [00000345] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `avc1'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [00000363] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4v'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [00000427] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `DIV3'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.
This happened after I installed Cinelerra, the video editing program. The package was quite badly kept, so I suppose it stepped on some of VLCs dependencies. I have now removed Cinelerra and reinstalled VLC, but the problem persists. I think the problem occurs on other video players as well. Sound is intact for the most part.

I run Debian Linux 5.0.4 'lenny'. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem might be?


Re: Common video codecs do not work

Posted: 13 May 2010 01:43
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
libavcodec module is broken for you... Try to reinstall it.