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BeOS: wmv broken in nightly builds after 0219

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 18:48
by tigerdog
wmv video plays but audio produces only static.
also, VLC icon missing from program files.

Posted: 01 Mar 2005 22:01
by titer
wmv video plays but audio produces only static
Thanks for the report, just fixed it.
also, VLC icon missing from program files
I'm aware of that, that's because nightly builds are cross compiled from linux now. I'll look some day for a way to apply the icon anyway, but there are more pressing priorities right now... ;)


Posted: 02 Mar 2005 21:37
by tigerdog
I'll go back to getting the lastest builds. I can live without the icon - I only mentioned it because I was surprised to note its absence. Not a criticism! I'm just thrilled the VideoLAN team keeps BeOS as a supported platform.

other issues with post 0219 builds

Posted: 13 Mar 2005 21:17
by tigerdog
also, VLC icon missing from program files
I'm aware of that, that's because nightly builds are cross compiled from linux now. I'll look some day for a way to apply the icon anyway, but there are more pressing priorities right now... ;)
Looks like there are more issues than just the missing BeOS icon. Seems like post 0219 versions have stopped setting the appropriate BeOS mime-types upon first run. For a while, I had been able to simply unzip new versions into the same folder as older ones and maintain full functionality. If starting with an empty system (no remnants of earlier installs), vlc cannot be set as a default app for video filetypes. Also, passing of parameters from firefox seems to fail - vlc starts but never opens the URL.
