how to determine input container?

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how to determine input container?

Postby miker00lz » 09 May 2010 07:23

is there a way for VLC to tell me what the encapsulation container of an input stream/file? i've written a VB6 utility to piggyback onto sopcast as an external player to record the raw data stream to a file. VLC does of course say what the video and audio codecs are, WMV3 and WMA2. i want to know the container though, so that i can add code to extract the two streams and remux them to another container more suited to being played as a file rather than a stream over a socket. maybe .avi or .asf.

obviously VLC can play back these saved stream files perfectly, it's annoying not to be able to properly seek through the videos. thanks for any help you can provide!

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Re: how to determine input container?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 May 2010 10:15

Maybe the easier is to fix .asf seeking in vlc, no?
Can you share the files?
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Re: how to determine input container?

Postby miker00lz » 11 May 2010 18:32

Maybe the easier is to fix .asf seeking in vlc, no?
Can you share the files?
hi, j-b thanks for the reply sorry i took so long to respond. yes that would work, but i didn't think there is a way to reliably determine the total length in time of a video unless both audio and video are a constant bitrate or there is a header specifying the length? being a live stream, of course, sopcast feeds don't have anything like that.

here's a 3 MB sample i just recorded off a random sopcast channel -

i'm not sure if the raw stream uses ASF as a container or not. if it does it shouldn't be to big of a deal for me to write code to demux the audio and video from it into raw streams in realtime. i should be able to remux them into another container such as avi before writing the output to disk. i think anyway.

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