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reload subtitles

Posted: 02 May 2010 22:19
Hello, is there a way to easyly reload a srt-subtitle-file, while vlc-player is running?


Re: reload subtitles

Posted: 03 May 2010 07:15
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What do you mean by reloading? Adding a new subtitle? Use drag n drop.

Re: reload subtitles

Posted: 03 May 2010 11:26
What do you mean by reloading? Adding a new subtitle? Use drag n drop.
Imagine, the film runs, i press space to make a break, edit the subtitle-file (rst), want to continue with the edited subtitle-file. So i need to reload it.

Re: reload subtitles

Posted: 03 May 2010 15:58
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You cannot with vlc. you need to re-drag'n drop it.