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Autoplay AVI on CD?

Posted: 19 Feb 2005 00:23
by TheTechChik
I'm burning a show in divx format on a cd for my mom. For most users, double clicking the file in explorer would start their player of choice and all would be good. But in my mom's case, I don't know if she has compatible codecs or a player that will play the file so I figured I'd bundle VLC on the disk.

Can I create a batch file or autorun.ini file to get VLC on the disk to launch and start the AVI file automatically?

Are there command line switches I can use to load the AVI file into VLC at launch?

It would really make for a nice auto-start movie for her.

Posted: 19 Feb 2005 10:32
by Sigmund
just put the filename as first parameter to vlc on start.

Posted: 20 Feb 2005 16:18
by TheTechChik
Could you be a littler more specific about the syntax?

Posted: 20 Feb 2005 21:09
by Guest
vlc.exe thevideofileformymummy.avi

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 00:04
by The DJ
In case there are spaces in your path, you may need to

vlc "C:\windows is such an idiotic OS\mymovie.avi"

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 01:50
by TheTechChik
Ok, I created an autorun.inf file in the root directory. The video file is also in the root directory.

There is only one line in the autorun.inf as follows

vlc.exe 24.409.avi -f

When I insert the cd, nothing happens.

Any ideas?

PS. Do you think this would work better?
OPEN=vlc.exe 24.409.avi -f

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 03:00
by dionoea
you need to specify the full path to your vlc.

if the vlc is on the CD in directory VLC, you would need something like : OPEN="\VLC\vlc.exe" file

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 03:58
by TheTechChik
Got it working. The earlier replies to this thread had incorrect syntax but I figured it out after creating a few coasters.

Didn't work --->

Code: Select all

vlc.exe 24.409.avi -f
Worked --->

Code: Select all

[AutoRun] OPEN=vlc.exe 24.409.avi -f
It's a great way to give a non-technical user a video file when you don't know if they have compatible codecs or players.

Ps. For anyone else wanting to create something similar, no path is needed as long as vlc and the avi file are in the same root directory as the autorun.inf

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 13:10
by The DJ
Duh. of course the syntax was incorrect.
You didn't ask how to construct a AUTORUN file. You asked which vlc commandline you should use.

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 19:13
by TheTechChik
Actually I did...
Can I create a batch file or autorun.ini file to get VLC on the disk to launch and start the AVI file automatically?

Are there command line switches I can use to load the AVI file into VLC at launch?

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 12:41
by The DJ
ok, so you asked 2 Questions. We answered 1.
Building AUTORUN files is a non VLC related matter.

Re: Autoplay AVI on CD?

Posted: 28 Aug 2009 16:59
by Lawson
I'm a big fan of all using open source and I appreciate the "civil" discussion. Autorun may not be a topic you like, but the spreading and using of videolan by those that may not be as technically, as savy as you, does not deserve your tone, IMHO. Consider a Non-Technical user (relative to you) wanting to spread VLC.exe to another Non-Technical user (relative to her) with compassion plz. Consider yourself reprimanded. I will stand up for anyone that is a seeker to help the VLC cause, so should you.

And like the DixieChicks I apolize for Geo. Bush :wink: