Wow!! THANK YOU Arite, a GABAZILLION times!
The "downside" and caveat here, is that you will have to customize your controls again... but having the Floating Toolbar??? Damned well worth it!!!
Besides, it's kind of nice to reformat the Toolbar every once-in-a-while anyway. Right?
Give it a "fresh, clean" look.
Again, thank you, for this solution.
One would THINK that the programmers would put-in a function that either docks the toolbar (top, bottom, or heck, even the side [why not?]) with a hotkey command or a radio button or something....
IDK WHY they haven't done this yet. Besides, how DOES it all of a sudden become permanently docked to the bottom of the full screen anyway? I HAD it floating FOR-EVER... then one day --POOOF!!!-- it was permanently docked again, to the bottom of the screen. ----WHY???
On a side note, I personally like my "tools" or "synch" panel OPENED all of the time, at the bottom of my screen, hidden off-screen. That way, I can adjust whichever is opened. And when the Tool Bar is DOCKED, at the bottom of my window, I am not able to access the OTHER "tools" menu. Unless I come out of Full Screen mode or R-click...
VLC programmers... Y'all have the BEST player on the market. I'm not typically a "Fanboy" of ANY kind. Really!! I think that it's simply and utterly juvenile (as the title "boy* suggests. LOL!) but in THIS case, I am as close to being a VLC "Fanboy" as I can (or will allow.)
Thank you for such a WONDERFUL media player. Heh! I have had my computer for over four years now and I haven't even OPENED my "Windows Media Player" yet. I've accidentally clicked on it, but as soon as the "configuration" screen opens, I cancel it. Seriously! I even have a Licensed Quick Time player that I haven't really "used" I just have it for my CG rendering outputs. But then change those, in a different encoder.
Thanks again, for a world-class media player. I don't know what I would do without you guys or VLC. Thanks again, Arite, for the "delete/reset" solution. It works! Flawlessly (well, VIRTUALLY "flawlessly.)" : ) -EB
PS VLC crew: PLEASE fix this "Floating Toolbar" issue. Make a button that docks and undocks the darned thing. That or just have one that we can click on and drag to undock and drag to dock (see: Adobe's programs for examples.) Simple!!! Right?