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[solved] Bug: playlist do not delete items with "del" key

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 23:38
by archvic
Hi there... this is an uncomfortable bug present on VLC 1.0.5-4.. I just can't delete the items on the playlist by clicking on them and pressing the Delete or Backspace Key.. The only way is righ-click > Delete.. Just to inform the developers to fix that bug so that VLC keep being the most wonderful player!
Thanx in advance!

Re: Bug: playlist do not delete items with "del" key

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 23:52
by archvic
I'm sorry, here's the solution viewtopic.php?f=14&t=72760.. In order to remove items on the playlist with your keyboard you have to use Ctrl+del (not only "del" key)