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Preferred languages setting not being adhered to

Posted: 31 Jan 2010 10:00
by superdelly
Hi there?
I've got several films here which have two or three languages in store. By default the first language happens to be Spanish, can I change that to be English the default language when I open the file? Or even, is there a way that I can get rid of the languages I don't use? Thanks in advance for helping me there!

Re: Get rid of a language?

Posted: 01 Feb 2010 01:21
by MNorthstar
Tools->Preferences (if you're in "view all" mode, change to simple mode)->Audio

The last option under General Audio is Preferred audio language and a text box; here, you can specify a list of two- or three-letter ISO-639 language codes separated by commas but no spaces. List the codes in order of priority, and the player will look for the first language in the list as default, before moving on to the second. For example this entry from my settings:


will always play the Japanese audio track by default. If the file has no Japanese audio, the Swedish track will be played instead. Only if neither Japanese nor Swedish are present will VLC look for and play any English tracks.

You can do the same thing for choosing subtitle languages in Tools->Preferences ->Subtitles & OSD->Subtitles Language->Preferred Subtitles Language

Hope this helps

M. Northstar

Re: Get rid of a language?

Posted: 01 Feb 2010 10:06
by superdelly
Hi there
You tip was extremely clear and I did what you told me (tools, preferences, audio, simple, prefered languages, eng,spa, save) and....the Spanish still comes out first :shock: ! Any idea what goes wrong in the process?
Thanks in advance

Re: Get rid of a language?

Posted: 01 Feb 2010 19:00
by MNorthstar
Hmmm, I'm not sure, that should have worked. Did you try two letter codes also? Remember to restart VLC after changing the settings (shouldn't be strictly needed, but you never know). Also, if you're playing back from a DVD, check the settings for your DVD player to see if there isn't an option there that might interfere with VLC. If none of that works, repost your question so people will know your issue is still unresolved. Put "Preferred languages setting not being adhered to" in the topic subject to attract the attention of someone with more in depth knowledge.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
M. Northstar

Re: Preferred languages setting not being adhered to

Posted: 01 Feb 2010 21:07
by superdelly
Hi, nope, changed the code to two letters and still getting Spanish. Thanks for trying anyway! ^^ I changed my tiutle so as to attract more people as you told me, we'll see! :D