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rtsp sdp stream starts normally then quickly loses audio

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 05:20
by Las Vegas Mixx

This rtsp stream plays normally in QuickTime and embedded QuickTime. The video quality (after tweaking) in VLC is better but it loses audio quickly after VLC indicates "buffering ..."

I tried changing rtsp-timeout values, cache settings, etc. Changing the rtsp-timeout value (to anything) just made it lose audio immediately instead of after a few seconds.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Re: rtsp sdp stream starts normally then quickly loses audio

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 18:34
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Change rtsp-caching to a higher value?

Re: rtsp sdp stream starts normally then quickly loses audio

Posted: 27 Dec 2009 03:29
by Las Vegas Mixx
Change rtsp-caching to a higher value?
Yes, I had tried many different rtsp-caching values. Higher values actually made the audio disappear quicker.