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Failure to Update

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 20:49
by franhigg
I am using VLC 1.0.1 with Vista and IE7. I am trying to update to 1.0.3. The first thing that happens is a request to select a folder - what for, I haven't a clue. But whatever folder I select, whether it is on the C drive or the D drive, or even specially created with the "Make new folder" button, I get a Saving File Failed error message: "Failed to open <filename> for writing".

Could someone please suggest how I can update successfully? Thank you in advance!

Re: Failure to Update

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 21:51
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Close VLC, download VLC 1.0.3 from the website and run the installer