Dear all,
This is not 100% VLC related, but I could not find any other forum where I could ask this...
For a project, I need to test a RTSP server. I have to check whether or not it is capable of running 25 simultaneous streams. To minimize the amount of hardware to do this test, I would like to test this on one PC. (I could connect 25 PC's or set-top-boxes, but that would be quite complicated in our laboratory...)
Now I already tried to open multiple instances of VLC and starting an RTSP stream on each instance, but from the moment the second stream is started, the RTSP server is "crashing", probably because it gets 2 RTSP requests from the same IP address on the same port.
So I have been looking for a sollution:
- Adding multiple IP addresses to windows... But then, how can I tell each VLC instance to use a different IP address...
- Running multiple Virtual PCs... But running 25 VPCs on one PC is TOO slow...
One thing to note: Probably, I will have to do this test on at least 2 PC's, because of the network limitations: it's 100Mbps, and one stream is 4 to 5 Mbps, so with 25 streams one network card will get congested...
Does anyone have another idea to perform this test?