We have done some streaming endurance test in LAN with VLC by using our streaming player. VLC always stopped playing in 2~3 days. Sometimes there were some critical error. These issues are the same when didn't use any player to play this streaming. We had tried version 0.9.9, 1.0.2 and 1.0.3.
OS: Windows XP SP2.
Audio - MP3 Streaming through HTTP.
Playlist repeat one.
The others are by default.
1) VLC streaming just stopped and quit. No error pup-up. There was "VLC crashed in last time and send report to ..." when reopen VLC again.
2) There was error pop-up about "VC++ runtime error..."
3) Sometimes it will cause the OS down. Windows failed to initialize properly all applications. Anything we can do is reboot PC.
Is there any stability version we can use to test our player in 7 days endurance test? Or have any suggestions?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.