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"Type" info in MP3 audio tags hijacked by VLC

Posted: 13 Oct 2009 16:14
by RussellRay
Hello all

This is a newbie installation question.

Since I installed VLC video player just recently
VLC seems to have hijacked "Type",
the first line of tag information
that is displayed when I drag the mouse across an MP3 file in WinExplorer.
I can only guess that I gave VLC this right during installation
although I'm pretty sure I authorized it only for video files, not audio.
This "Type" line used to be the preserve of dbpoweramp.

This problem is purely an aesthetic one;
it seems to have made no functional change.
I have always used dbpoweramp to play MP3 audio files;
and if I click on an MP3 file it is still always played in this way.

I would, however, still like to fix things.
I have tried making the change in
WinExplorer - Tools - Folder options - File types
but this seems to have made no difference,
possibly because this does not update the tags.

Is there some way I can change this globally ?

Thanks and best regards to all
from Raymond Russell

Re: "Type" info in MP3 audio tags hijacked by VLC

Posted: 13 Oct 2009 17:18
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
The official VLC does not support Windows shell extensions, so I have to question the validity of your problem statement...