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Executing a command/program from a playlist (a *.m3u file)

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 10:47
by vanessa75015
Hello everyone,

I am currently looking for a solution that allows me to execute a command from a playlist (a *.m3u file).
I have looked into the documentation but could not find anything. Maybe I miss something because what I want to do seems very simple.
So I was wondering if such a feature exists in vlc : executing a command or a program (so it could be a script) from the playlist.
I found Lua Playlist Scripts, but it seems that concerns playing a streaming video.

Here are some further informations about the context :
I have my playlist here:

Code: Select all

# 1 D:\videos\clips\ D:\videos\clips\FREEZE_0.jpg vlc://pause:1000 # 2 D:\videos\clips\ D:\videos\clips\FREEZE_1.jpg vlc://pause:1000 # 3 D:\videos\clips\ D:\videos\clips\FREEZE_3.jpg vlc://pause:1000
It is composed of a video clip, followed by an image displayed and a pause.
After the pause, I would like something like

Code: Select all

for instance for a script in python.

More precisely, I want to record the time when the next clip begins (the pause is interrupted by shifting to the next item in the playlist). That is all I want to do, but executing a script is more generic, but if you have any information about this precise need (recording the time of beginning of each item in the playlist), it is also very welcomed.

I hope this feature exists, if anyone could give me some information, documentation to read, it could be heplful.
I appreciate any help (even for telling me it doesn't exist).


Re: Executing a command/program from a playlist (a *.m3u file)

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 17:45
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
This is not supported and it never will be. We don't want to allow arbitrary code or commands to be run from playlist. It's trivial to implement but it would be a huge security hole.

Re: Executing a command/program from a playlist (a *.m3u file)

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 15:46
by vanessa75015
Ok. I look for an other solution.