[VOD] DVB-T on demand is CPU expensive

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[VOD] DVB-T on demand is CPU expensive

Postby becvert » 18 Sep 2009 12:55

Hi all,

I just want to know if your VOD server is also CPU expensive.
My server serves DVB-T channels from a dual tuner card.
For instance, when I play a 1080i DVB-T channel directly the cpu load of the process is less than 10%.
When I play the same channel through the VOD server then the load of the server process is 50%.
Only two clients connect to the VOD server. I don't know how much the load would increase if there was more clients.
And it depends on the channel. A client playing a SD channel would make the server run around 30%.

vlc 1.0.1 server on Windows Vista. When no clients are connected the load is 0%.

config vod for channel 7 HD in Australia:

Code: Select all

new 7HD vod setup 7HD mux mp2t setup 7HD input dvb-t:// setup 7HD option dvb-frequency=177500000 setup 7HD option dvb-bandwidth=7 setup 7HD option ts-es-id-pid setup 7HD option programs=1348 setup 7HD enabled
accessed with that url:

Code: Select all

command to play directly:

Code: Select all

vlc dvb-t:// --dvb-frequency 177500000 --dvb-bandwidth 7 --ts-es-id-pid --programs 1348
Thank you

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: [VOD] DVB-T on demand is CPU expensive

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 Sep 2009 15:22

When I play the same channel through the VOD server then the load of the server process is 50%.
You mean VLC VLM vod ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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New Cone
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Re: [VOD] DVB-T on demand is CPU expensive

Postby becvert » 19 Sep 2009 06:15

VLC VLM yep.

server started like this:

Code: Select all

start vlc -I telnet --rtsp-host --vlm-conf vod.vlm

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