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AVCHD (.mts) without time display
Posted: 04 Sep 2009 11:28
by Saisai
I have several .mts files created by a HD camcorder, that are running fine in the VLC Player with audio and video but that don't show the time over the course of the video. The time displays 00:00:00 and there is no progression at all. As I have to transcribe these videos it is necessary for me to see the actual time. Is there something I can do about this issue?
Re: AVCHD (.mts) without time display
Posted: 04 Sep 2009 11:44
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You cannot do anything so far.
Re: AVCHD (.mts) without time display
Posted: 07 Sep 2009 11:09
by Saisai
That was what I feared. Is this problem being worked on so that I can hope for a solution with the next program updates?
Re: AVCHD (.mts) without time display
Posted: 04 Sep 2010 19:57
by Feldon
This is in the bug tracker as ticket # 2985. The bug tracker says its for milestone 1.2 feature freeze. Does this mean it is intended to be fixed for version 1.2?