I've found a bug in VLC.
If I play a long .flac-song it hangs after a while (every time on the same position, when the music is quiet). Then I have to wait some minutes and it resumes. But I can also resume if I go forward manually (over the Move-bar).
The song is 21 minutes long. It hangs on 6:00, after the music gets quieter (but this is not from the player, it's the song!).
I got this also before on another long .flac-song.
The same problem is on the other Computer.
I am using Windows 7 Built 7100 and Windows 7 Built 7600. I tried an update from VLC 1.0 to 1.0.1 but it didn't helped.
I would be thankful, if you can fix this bug.
Sorry for my English, I am German.
Best regards,