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H.264 Videolan 1.0.1 resize/scaling

Posted: 12 Aug 2009 08:31
by astrand

I hope this is user error.

Height/Width doesn't seem to work

I have been trying unsuccessfully with various versions including 1.0.1 to come up with a way to change the size of a video while streaming or converting to h.264. I noticed a defect in bug paradise that may be related but not certain. When I specify height or width the following behaviors can be observed:
  • VideoLan won't play the generated file without a 1 inch stripe of blinking blue in the left third of the image. This sounds like a scan rate problem but I didn't specify a scan rate.
  • Quicktime player plays the item correctly but tells me the size is the original size of the DVD image.
I have tried many tags including specifying the canvas-height or canvas-width.

Has anybody seen this and know how to work around this problem?
Should I log a defect?
