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Telnet commands

Posted: 11 Aug 2009 10:42
by Niekfct

When I connect with windows telnet to vlc telnet, and type 'help', i get a list of commands. But how can i open streams, turn the volume down/up, pause, fast forward, etc? I can't find them. When I just type 'play', it isn't recognized. Any help?

Re: Telnet commands

Posted: 11 Aug 2009 17:46
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Unfortuntaly the telnet interface cannot do that. You have to use the RC interface instead.

Re: Telnet commands

Posted: 11 Aug 2009 19:54
by cesarfmoro
Using telnet Interface you can create a playlist, add files to it, start playing it, stop among other things.

Once you are connected to VLC using telnet you can use the following commands:

new list01 broadcast loop enabled
setup list01 input file:///c:\videos\video01.mpg
setup list01 input file:///c:\videos\video02.mpg
control list01 play

whele list01 is the playlist name

Hope that it helps