VLC 1.0.1 Timeshift Directory
Posted: 01 Aug 2009 08:38
Preface: Am new to VLC as of 1.0.1...capturing HD via Firewire from STB...have found forum references to Command Line Timeshift functions for 0.9+ that fail in 1.0.1; have found forum references to Inputs/CODECs in Preferences that access Timeshift Directory and other parameters that are missing in VLC 1.0.1 Preferences...have clicked on and inspected every single Preference and all other options in VLC 1.0.1 in a vain attempt to find any reference to any Timeshift settings or parameters.
Problem: While 1.0.1 Timeshift works wonderfully, it fills up my OS partition, obviously by default, in practically no time. In 1.0.1, I've not been able to find any means, via GUI or the non-functioning Command Line, to establish, define or discern the Timeshift Directory, so that I can aim the thing anywhere but to my OS partition. Preferences is simply devoid of any reference to Timeshift.
Problem: While Timeshift parameters are extensively mentioned in pre-1.0.1 GUI and Command Line documentation, along with "Recording on the fly", there is no reference to either in any Preferences or Console in 1.0.1. Well, that I've been able to find over the past several days.
Re: VLC 1.0.1:
- How to "Record on the fly"?
- How to determine and/or set the "Timeshift Directory"?
- How to save Timeshift buffer as permanent rather than temporary?
Thank you for any guidance!
Problem: While 1.0.1 Timeshift works wonderfully, it fills up my OS partition, obviously by default, in practically no time. In 1.0.1, I've not been able to find any means, via GUI or the non-functioning Command Line, to establish, define or discern the Timeshift Directory, so that I can aim the thing anywhere but to my OS partition. Preferences is simply devoid of any reference to Timeshift.
Problem: While Timeshift parameters are extensively mentioned in pre-1.0.1 GUI and Command Line documentation, along with "Recording on the fly", there is no reference to either in any Preferences or Console in 1.0.1. Well, that I've been able to find over the past several days.
Re: VLC 1.0.1:
- How to "Record on the fly"?
- How to determine and/or set the "Timeshift Directory"?
- How to save Timeshift buffer as permanent rather than temporary?
Thank you for any guidance!