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MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 14:02
by Jotempe
Using VLC 1.0.0 on WIndows XP. I have a MPEG PS file, containing one MPEG2 video stream and one MPEG audio stream. I want to change the container format to TS, without touching the streams (just copy them over to a new container). WIth VLC 0.8 and 0.9 I did it by starting the wizard, selecting output to file, MPEG-TS container, then "no video conversion" and "no audi conversion" - worked great.

Now I installed 1.0.0 and tried the same. Selected convert/save, selected input and output files, created a new conversion profile and in this profile I asked for MPEG TS container, "keep original video track" and "keep original audio track". Unfortunately this does not work as I expected: the TS file comes out considerably smalled than the PS (from 2.3 GB PS I get 1.3 GB TS) and the video is crappy - obviously some conversion has been done on it. In the message window VLC spits lots of messages like:
stream_out_transrate error: 3922800 -> 1915050 d=480000
stream_out_transrate error: 2604933 -> 1430316 d=480000
stream_out_transrate error: 3199733 -> 2016288 d=360000
stream_out_transrate error: 3724184 -> 1071276 d=520000
stream_out_transrate error: 4262400 -> 2152907 d=520000
stream_out_transrate error: 5116861 -> 2956861 d=520000
What's wrong and how can I get VLC to do what I want?


Re: MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 16:37
by llewell
I have the same issue. I am using 1.0.2 Goldeneye. I created a profile to change a ts to a ps, and checked "keep the original video track" and "keep original audio track". At least the video option definitely does not keep the original track. If the check box is supposed to do what it says, then this is a bug. If it is supposed to do something else, could someone please change the label?
In the meantime, is there a way to achieve the effect of actually keeping the original tracks?

Re: MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 14 Oct 2009 19:07
by llewell
I tried this command line syntax, which according to a post in a different forum used to work (I'm doing this on Windows):

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC>vlc --sout=file/ps://"c:\myvideos\MotherJugsAndSpe
ed_20091014_0359.mpg" file://"c:\myvideos\MotherJugsAndSpeed_20091014_0359.ts"

However, this does not actually put any data in the mpg file. The file is empty, like the streaming from the GUI with video and audio not checked.

Maybe I should download an older version.

Re: MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 23:54
by LiquidL
Same issue: using 1.0.2 Goldeneye.

Re: MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 00:50
by LiquidL
Use this muxer instead of VLAN:

It worked for me, allowing me to encapsulate a H.264 Elementary Stream into an MPEG-TS file which played back fine in VLC 1.0.2.

Re: MPEG2 PS to TS conversion problem

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 08:23
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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