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ActiveX in Powerpoint, no file name

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 18:48
by brethomp
I am using the VLC ActivX plug-in in powerpoint to play a FLV file in a powerpoint slide, but when the player starts it lists the file name of the FLV file for the first 5 seconds or so. Is there any way to turn off this feature? I don't want the file name of my FLV file to show.

Re: ActiveX in Powerpoint, no file name

Posted: 07 Aug 2009 16:17
by bellit
This would be very interesting for me too. Is ist possible with VBScript to turn the text off?

Re: ActiveX in Powerpoint, no file name

Posted: 11 Aug 2009 16:00
by thannoy
If you use .playlist.add(), third argument is option. It can be a table of strings or space separated strings, as this:

Code: Select all

.playlist.add( url, fooname, ":no-video-title-show :whateverElseYouNeed=value" )
@see Documentation:WebPlugin
@see VLC_command-line_help

Re: ActiveX in Powerpoint, no file name

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 11:49
by madmart
Where do you put the playlist command when in powerpoint?


Re: ActiveX in Powerpoint, no file name

Posted: 29 Jan 2010 14:44
by pricet
I know this topic is slightly old, but does anyone have an answer? I would really prefer that the name of the file did not appear during the presentation.