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Random... is it really?

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 13:16
by Pyro.699

So i have a playlist of about 1500 different cartoons... so the ods of me seeing the same one in the span of 24 hours is...

20 minutes / episode
3600 minutes / day
30000 minutes (500 hours) of total playlist time

how many episodes can play in a day?
3600 (minutes/day) / 20 (minutes/episode) = 180 episodes/day

odds that 1 specific episode will be played
20 (minutes/episode) / 30000 (playlist time) * 100% = 0.066%

odds that, that episode will be played once within 24 hours
0.00066/180 * 100% = 0.00036%

I attempted to do the math required to figure out 2 episodes in the same day, but got confused >< but as you can see the chance that your specific episode gets played once within that time frame is very low, and would be even lower (by a few magnitudes). Is there a way to make it... well :P more random xD?

~Cody Woolaver

Re: Random... is it really?

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 13:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, I am afraid that you need to help us code.

Re: Random... is it really?

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 02:28
by blueyedsoul
I'm afraid your third formula is in error. For any given episode to play in one day (assuming 24 hour uptime and exactly 20 minutes per episode) would be:

0.00066 (chance of that episode playing) * 72 (number of episodes played in a day) = 4.752%

Hope that helps.