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How to use customize interface?

Posted: 12 Jul 2009 21:25
by Skyzoomer
Is there a tutorial on how to use VLC's customize interface feature? I've searched these forums and googled but have not been able to find one. When the customize interface window pops up, I've tried dragging icons around but can't figure out how it works.

Thanks for any insight,

Re: How to use customize interface?

Posted: 12 Jul 2009 22:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
drag them to the toolbars on the right of this dialog.

Re: How to use customize interface?

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 01:10
by Skyzoomer
drag them to the toolbars on the right of this dialog.
Not sure which dialog you are referring to. But in more experimenting I found that dragging to the extreme left or right sides of the line in edit mode, allows the icons to appear on VLC's toolbar. Dragging anywhere in the middle is unpredictable for me.

Got it set up sufficiently for what I wanted so thanks for the reply,