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Replacing the audio stream without re-encoding the video

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 18:24
by fafaman

I would like to know if I can use VLC to change the audio track of a video without having to re-encode (and potentially lose quality in) video stream. as VLC is very good at differentiating container from codec, I imagine this should be possible, but all examples I found use the #transocde module... Does using transcode encoding to be the same as the original video format will 'bypass' the transcoder allowing to keep the original quality? Should I use an other method?

For info, my original video has .m4v extention.

Thanks for your help,

Re: Replacing the audio stream without re-encoding the video

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 22:42
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Don't specify any vcodec in your transcode line.

Re: Replacing the audio stream without re-encoding the video

Posted: 27 Sep 2019 20:54
by asktm
Hi. Not wanted to create a new subject. I have a question. How do I replace the original audio track with a new one without saving the old one?

Re: Replacing the audio stream without re-encoding the video

Posted: 06 Oct 2019 11:11
by asktm
No answer, but nothing). I found a wonderful solution called "Avidemux". But I would love to return to VLC as soon as the opportunity arises. I do not like when a lot of programs)