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Motion Detect USage

Posted: 28 Jun 2009 21:47
by carl275
Hi everybdoy,

I'm trying to use the motion detection plugin with this command :

vlc -vvv MVI_2179.AVI --vout-filter motiondetect --motiondetect-history 10 --motiondetect-description fichier_motiondetect

But when I run the command vlc give me an error "The command line options couldn't be loaded, check that they are valid."

I don't find any documentation about this plugin. Does anyone know how to run motion detection wit vlc ??

Thank's a lot for your help

Re: Motion Detect USage

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 14:17
by The DJ
For 1.0.0, their are no options to the motiondectect filter it seems. --video-filter=motiondetect seems to be all there is to it. (not sure if those options ever existed, or why such options were removed).