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Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 19:40
by Stowaway
Dear all,

I need to stream SW loads for STBs. The update stream is in TS format, it contains two PIDs: payload and service data (not PSI/SI). How can I make VLC to stream this file.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Streaming of STP updates

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 12:16
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
You can try to stream it as any normal TS input file with the --sout-all, but I doubt that this is properly implemented.

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 17:01
by Stowaway
That is the problem. I have even created the stream with PAT and PMT tables that describe parts of the update stream as video and audio. No result.

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 14:02
by The DJ
you can use the quick UDP streamer from the the MPEG-TS demux. It basically UDP transmits everything it receives to the UDP address of your choosing. On the other hand, it might just be easier for you to write a simple C program that does the same.

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 18:10
by Stowaway
you can use the quick UDP streamer from the the MPEG-TS demux
The DJ, thank you. But I'm not sure I understand what do you actually mean. Is it some kind of software?

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 02 Jul 2009 13:55
by The DJ
It is an option in vlc. On the commandline it would be --ts-out="ip:port"

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 02 Jul 2009 17:22
by Stowaway
Thanks, DJ. It seems it streams the update file.

Is there any option which can set a bitrate of the output stream?

Re: Streaming of STB updates

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 08:56
by Stowaway
Hi guys,

Do you have any idea how to make an output bitrate slower?
