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FIXED: G.711 8khz stream

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 13:23
by xyz000

My question isn't OS specific but I'll give you the details here just in case:

Server=Linux CentOS 5 with VLC 0.9.8a
Client=WinXP with VLC 0.8.6c

On the client I have an 8kHz mono 16 bit WAV file which I've proved plays correctly from the server's own soundcard using VLC's GUI. Hitting CTRL-I while the file is playing gives me this:

Code: Select all

-stream 0 |-codec: araw |-Language: |-Type: Audio |-Channels: 1 |-Sample rate: 8000 Hz |-Bits per sample: 16 |-Bitrate: 128 kb/s
Next I close the GUI on the server (Linux, VLC 0.9.8a) and then use the following terminal command to start a G.711 8kHz ulaw stream over RTP:

Code: Select all

cvlc file.wav --sout '#transcode{acodec=ulaw,rate=8000}:duplicate{dst=rtp{dst=192,168.0.2,port-audio=1234}}'
On the client (WinXP, VLC 0.8.6c) I use File->Open Network Sream and select UDP/RTP on port 1234 but I hear nothing.

I have Wireshark running on the client and can see RTP packets arriving correctly. If I expand the "Real Time Transport Protocol" node of a received packet I can see:

Code: Select all

Real-Time Transport Protocol [Stream setup by SDP (frame 2)] 10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2) ..0. .... = Padding: False ...0 .... = Extension: False .... 0000 = Contributing source identifiers count: 0 0... .... = Marker: False Payload type: ITU-T G.711 PCMA (8) Sequence number: 3 [Extended sequence number: 65539] Timestamp: 480 Synchronization source identifier: 0xda3afed0 (3661299408) Payload: (long hex value)
So I think my sending stream is correct and it looks as if my receiving stream is correct yet WinXp VLC 0.8.6c doesn't play the incoming stream.

Any ideas? (I'll quickly point out that I've successfully streamed MP3 files using this setup; only the ulaw 8kHz attempt results in silence).

Re: G.711 8khz stream

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 15:10
by xyz000
Severe blush :oops: G.711 was introduced in VLC 0.9.x. Drop 0.9.9 onto the WinXP client and everything comes to life.

Still (cough) maybe this short thread will serve as some kind of G.711 tutorial?!?

Re: G.711 8khz stream

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 16:21
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Still (cough) maybe this short thread will serve as some kind of G.711 tutorial?!?
Tutorials are cool, especially on the wikis!

Re: FIXED: G.711 8khz stream

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 00:07
by Darr247
I'm using VLC 1.1.11 in Win7_x64, and cannot get it to play any u-Law files.

You're saying I need to find the older version and install that instead?
