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To developers/users: I made a new application icon!

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 13:03
by eobet

I got tired of having the hideously pixelated standard VLC icon in my quicklaunch, so I had to make a new one.

I made it using a mix of themes so that it would fit both XP and Unix (and perhaps even OS X), if by any chance any developers would like to take it and use it for the standard icon in the future. (Which would be nice, since I wouldn't have to look at the icky original icon in the taskbar either then.) ;)


This is a big version just to show you the idea, as the icon includes only 48/32/16 resources. But since it's vector based, I can get any size larger than that without much effort.

The base orange color is the same as the standard icon (and the logo on this site), but I warmed up the shadows, and made the highlights yellower, to give it a more "friendly" feeling. The shades of grey is exactly the same, though.

And there's the icon itself. Some pixels were fixed in the 32/16 sizes, and I might do more fixes to them if I start to see mistakes in it. (Btw, I just tried clicking on the icon in Explorer, and boy the preview was ugly... it looks good on the desktop/quicklaunch, though.)

Hope you enjoy it! :)

EDIT: I adjusted some pixels on the 48 sized icon now as well.

Looks good to me

Posted: 11 Dec 2004 20:06
by anon
Looks better than the original to me.

But I really don't have anything to do with VLC other than being a very satisfied customer and hopeful developer. So what do I know?

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 13:03
by Guest
129 views and only one comment? :(

I guess UI is not a priority...

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 13:04
by eobet
Arg, that last comment was by me. Didn't realize you didn't have to be logged in to post. :oops:

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 21:04
by Guest
Really like that one, looks better than the current one...

Posted: 14 Dec 2004 21:41
by fuyutsuki
The Mac OS X icon for VLC is already quite nice... especially hardware scaled.
(Previously it was very similar to your one now)